Part 2 of our #MumSeries, we want to talk about something a little close to our hearts - C-Sections.
Both of us had C-Sections with our first children. Nedell was in labour for 24 hours before Doctors determined she doesnt dialate & cant have a natural birth. Pearl was in labour for a week without contractions and labour pains before they made the decision to c-section baby out for risk of complications during birth for him.
Nedell had another C-Section with baby number 2 & it was determined that she cannot have natural births - some say it's lucky but in reality it isnt. lets discuss shall we
The Truth About C-Sections....
Both of us had C-Sections with our first children. Nedell was in labour for 24 hours before Doctors determined she doesnt dialate & cant have a natural birth. Pearl was in labour for a week without contractions and labour pains before they made the decision to c-section baby out for risk of complications during birth for him.
Nedell had another C-Section with baby number 2 & it was determined that she cannot have natural births - some say it's lucky but in reality it isnt. lets discuss shall we
The Truth About C-Sections....
Photo Via
Sure, we all know that life will change when we have children - regardless of when we decide (or just so happen) to get pregnant. But are we really informed about the realities of becoming a parent? About what it's really like to have a new born baby? How drastically our bodies change? Maybe not...
So here we have, some raw realities we face when we become parents & the truth about children... #TheMumSeries
Pearl here, & yes! it's almost Christmas time. the time of year when friends and family come together and enjoy eachother - regroup, destress & rear up for another amazing year!
the drinks are cold, the kids are crazy & the food is a never ending pit of delishious goodness. im excited already.
so, as the more orgnaised of us, i wanted to share with you guys my 'Christmas Check-List' for the lead up to Christmas & a few handy little 'tips & tricks' I pull out that help things run a little smoothly.
or lack of...
it's almost summer... its spring! the weather is beautiful, the days are longer & the thirst is real. like, really real. wont lie - the heat has set in and it's hard to stay on track and focused when you want to lounge around near the water, have adventures - eat cheese platters & sip away on wine & beer... regularly.
we're keeping honest here... with updates on how our progress is going (in this case, NOT going)... we can only speak for ourselves, so Del right here will go first with this bad boy...
Photo Source:
here in New Zealand, the celebrating of all hallows eve is relatively new - as a child we used to watch Halloween Movies & if you ask most New Zealanders, we arent well informed about where the tradition stems from aside from the information we're taught from movies.
Marriage. The word alone sends some people running for the hills... For me? It was just another chapter in the book of Pearl and Kahu.
FIT ME! - Matte & Poreless Foundation & The Nudes Pallett
We've been hearing some amazing reviews about these products and HAD to get our hands on them to see what all they hype was about. we've been using these products for a few weeks now and wanted to share our review with you. lets go!
What to do with kids in the holidays
Im a full time working Mum. oh, how i wish i had the luxury of staying home with my beautiful kids - they've both been at Kohanga (& now one at school) since they were about 6 months old. i honestly feel like i've missed out on so much! and prioritising them above work - at times - has failed me misrably. their Father and i have set up that they are with him every holidays (if all goes to plan - which it hasnt) but even that meant i didnt get any one on one time with them... without distraction! SO - now im coming up to a week leave - YAAAAAAHS - and it hit me... what the heck am i going to do with these gorgeous kids while im on leave... thats 5 days, of amazing 'PLEASE DONT GET BORED' mummy & kiddy time. so here's my top 5 ideas for 'what to do with your kids during the holidays' // you ready?
Hi Lovers - its Nedell here today. i wanted to talk about something that's been playing on my mind for a really long time.. something im hoping we can discuss.
my children's dad and i have been parenting apart for the past 12 months. although NOW we communicate better, our kids are happier & we are finally doing whats best for them -
we drive eachother insane, have had a lot of disagreements, tears & yes - even laughs through this entire process.
i wanted to share with my single mama & papas out there some tips & tricks ive picked up to manage those co-parenting struggles! - hands up if you feel me*
so here's a few of my tips, tricks - *advice* that's worked for me. it may not work for you, & you may not even agree - but id love to discuss this with you guys. let me know your thoughts.
Picture this -
you've finished a long hard day of work - or whatever it is that fills your day.
you pick up your children, they're being 'children' and testing your last peice of sanity.
your mind is focused on
- What am i feeding these kids for dinner!
- Bath the kids, Pajamas
- Cleaning the house
- Getting some washing done
and by the time you have a chance to catch your breath
it's so late you just want to shower and get into bed -
IF, of course, you remembered to eat as well.
ahhhh yes, we as Mothers often forget the importance of caring for ourselves
we're consumed by errands, work & family life
amongst friendships, relationships & extended family time.
some may think this is minimal in comparison to so many things in life we could improve
BUT our homes are somewhere we spend the majority of our time together.
we raise our children at home, it's their safe space
we probably made our children there
we relax there, we cry there
we build memories
let's get a little personal today and talk skin
I was staring at my counter the other night and thought
is this extreme? so i thought id share my skin care routine
and hopefully some ladies out there can help me feel a little at ease
because i dont think this is extreme at all - haha
I was staring at my counter the other night and thought
is this extreme? so i thought id share my skin care routine
and hopefully some ladies out there can help me feel a little at ease
because i dont think this is extreme at all - haha
Shall we then?
Hey Guys,
we wanted to turn things up a little bit and include a little something we may all be familiar with.
Summer is well and truly on its way here in New Zealand
and with the busy lifestyles of being a full time worker
and mother to two beautiful children each
it gets easy to forget that eating healthy & exercising is a nessesity.
so we want to tackle this mummy tummy issue once and for all
we are starting the Fat2Fit tea cleanse
and super you cleanse blend.
as well as ensuring we are clean eating
& incorporating daily exercise into our busy routines.
we'll give you a weekly over-view of how things are going
what we've been eating
tips & tricks we pick up
and how our lifestyle change is going.
we hope that together we can support eachother into a better, healthier future
for us, our children & other Mums fighting the struggle too -
So to start off - we've been walking Kaiti Hill here in gisborne
the kids love it & it was a nice way to end the weekend.
we'll be drinking water & herbal tea ONLY during the week
until our cleanse tea arrives
and cutting take aways out of our diet.
let us know what you have or will be doing to kick start your healthy you
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
So we figured we'd start a new segment and bring some era inspired makeup and fashion looks... Starting with the infamous 90s
We personally love the 90s. The music - the crazy hairdos - the simplicity and the last glimpse of what life was like before everyone was attached to their devices. Hands up if you miss the good Ol times
So let's get to it then... grunge.
In our latest getting to know blog we want to introduce you to one of
our favourite personal stylists, but we’ll let her do all the talking..
My name
is Eliana -Elly and I am a personal stylist based in Wellington. I currently
also manage a jewellery store so fashion is my life! I have recently created the
right wardrobe so I can change the way I shop and to truly look beyond the
price tag.
We spend the majority of our time in our homes. They are an extension of ourselves and somewhere we go at the end of our day to relax and spend quality time with our loved ones.
So we're hugely artistic and like to put cute little personal touches around the home. We wanted to share some easy craft things we have in our homes with you guys and would love to hear and see your ideas too..
Shall we?
Del made this Pallett headboard using.. Well, pallets lol and gave them a quick rustic look paint job then strung up some lantern lights from Typo. Cute right?
Pearl has in her bedroom a jewlery hanger she made using wire and an old picture frame. One of the coolest inexpensive ways to organise your jewlery.
There are so many things you can make or do in your home to put your own personal touches. As we get into summer we'll be doing more of this - hopefully you guys can share your ideas with us.
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
if you - like us - are a lover of cosmetic goodness
then you'll probably know all about Gerard Cosmetics
we finally got our hands on this lippy goodness
and it's one of those things that make you question
what you were doing with life before it.
I purchased a 3 pack for $25
a special they were running & i honestly should have gotten every single shade!
Gerard Cosmetics have a varitey of shades to choose from
but the 3 i purchased were:
1995 - a shade inspired from the 90's grunge phase. honestly, already my favourite lip shade. its described as not 'trendy' but a timeless expression of glam. i couldnt agree more
Dragon Berry - a purpley pink shade that pops on the lips. i thought id go for something a bit more vibrant.
Cherry Cordial - a very dark vampy shade and trending at the moment. im not really one for trends but im in total love with this shade. i find myself reaching for this regularly.
on a day to day basis im usually rocking the 1995
and it'll probably be the one i repurchase first - for real
two shades i also want to add to my collection are buttercup and French Toast.
im really feeling neutral nudes at the moment.
if you follow them on Instagram you'll keep updated with promo's they run
one of my fave things about insta!
do you own any Gerard Cosmetics products?
let us know in the comment section xo
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
I feel completely blessed to share this life I live with my amazing children and their cousins.
So yes - today I thought I'd share one of the most treasured peices of my heart...
My children.
For as long as I can remember, Sunday has been about family time adventures.
My brother and sister are both living In Gisborne and today I got to spend my time with my baby loves.
Kids are so simple. They love to play, to laugh and have attention spans of a gold fish!... In other words - you have to keep them active which works wonders for bedtime.
And even better?
Those moments in the madness where you can put your feet up and enjoy the sunshine
Until next time
- stay beautiful
xo The Other Side ox

Eyebrows are sisters - not twins
we all have that one good eyebrow and one wayward little poo!
but today i thought id share my quick
eyebrow tutorial..ish method
i use:
e.l.f eyebrow duo in medium
L'oreal eyebrow gel in medium
small angled brush
spoolie (or an old mascara wand will do)
1. using a spoolie - i brush my brows into place, this makes it easier to line the brows.
2. using the angled brush i apply the e.l.f product by lining the bottom and top of my eyebrow from about 1/3 of the way in
3. following the natural direction of my hairs, i fill in the eyebrow making sure to get any gaps i have in my eyebrows.
4. using the remaining product on the brush and small upward strokes i fill in the front of the eyebrow, this gives a more natural fade effect
5. to keep those bad boys in place i use the L'oreal gel.
my eyebrows generally differ depending on products or what look im doing
but this is basically my monday-friday brow routine
it's quick and super easy once you get the gist of it
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
So lovelies - today we wanted to chat to you guys about our current favourite Contour products - these are the few that we use.
1. e.l.f complete coverage concealers in light & dark.
They retail for something super inexpensive like $10 NZD or something. You can grab these at any Kmart that stocks e.l.f - I highly recommend these products, however - they are super oily and I always have to set really well with a powder but they move really well and the pallet comes in an assortment of colours.

2. MAC studio finish concealer duo in NC40/NC45.
I'm usually NC30-NC35 so I use these as my contour colours. It's MAC - what more is there to say... Amazing!
There is absolutely no faulting this pallet to us. One half of the other side sisters has super oily skin so powder contouring pallets is the absolute way to go. It has everything you need to bronze - contour - highlight - set your under eye concealer... Oh my goodness the possibilities are endless!!
pick your's up at Farmers for $25 NZD
We'd love to hear what your favourite contour pallets are - what you use, what you would not recommend, let us know below
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
Lets get down to buisness -
who's heard of Frank Body Scrub?
This Coffee body scrub - if you follow on Instagram
is widely known and loved!
the creators of this amazing body scrub give advertising a run for their money!
they are witty - cute - and appeal to woman
what's even better... tadahhhh - this product lives up to it's expectations.
let's be Frank.. what is The Frank Effect?
you can purchase Frank online here
the origional body scrub is $14.95AUD
but it also comes in these amazing flavours - ahemm, i mean delicious formulations as well.
you can check them out on the website. they have something for everyone... like, EVERYONE!
i suffer from eczema and they do not irritate or inflame my skin, if anything - they sooth and clear it up!
you can also purchase the Frank body balm - its oily. it's not REALLY my thing, but it works wonders for your legs - so i use it if im wearing something short for a night out. the formulation doesnt completely agree with me but some of you may love it.
in my recent purchase of Frank - i found that they also now have face wash!
i've been using Frank on my face for so long
i just had to get it!
i havent been using it long enough to give a review
but i'll let you know
my favourite things to do with Frank?
what i really love to do is that it on my tattoos
Frank sooths the skin and makes them appear more vibrant.
I especially love to frank my legs after shaving
and before a night out
I also use Frank to remove fake tan,
it helps with little nasties on the skin - Girl Problems!
and it leave you smelling AH-MAY-ZING!
tried and true. we are hard core Frank Body Scrub fans
it's almost summer and Frank does wonders on the skin in summer
has The Frank Effect gotten you too?
let us know below...
- Stay Beautiful
xo The other Side ox
we all have that dress - you know the one, right? The little black dress purched up in the wardrobe that we pull out when we can't find anything to wear.
Ahhhhhh, yes! The L.B.D
Shall we discuss? We think so...
So mine is this bad boy I purchased from Top Shop online 2 years ago. The double the split maxi dress.
I'm 100% sure this isn't available anymore - but honestly, these investment peices never go out of style.
The fabric is thick and soft and sits so well. I can wear it to dinner, to parties or events and dress it up or down depending on where you're going.
I've worn this dress countless times and will team it with my Sass and Bide tail coat or recently Keepsake the Lable Cape
I do not feel the need to update my LBD - why fix something that isn't broken, right?
I'd love to know what your guys LBD's are - let me know in the comments your thoughts and suggestions x
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
Our first 'Getting to know' post is all about this Russian Aucklander
Vlad Tichen
If you are one of his 2948 and growing BadWearsGood Instagram followers
than you know all about this stylish man!
this beard caught my eye!
im a sucker for a well groomed man with a beard.
we have been completly intrigued and in awe of his simplistic, effortless style
and needed to know more!
read on to see what the BadWearsGood style Guru had to say
Where does your style inspiration stem from:
The usual, I guess: movies, paintings, architecture, nature, random people... For instance, it's great to watch a film about 19th century England and notice that one of the gentlemen wears a very cool and unusual kind of a necktie, the ancestor of all the contemporary ties! Or to spot an old Asian lady on the bus, dressed in such a chaotic manner, that her scarlet plush cap, leopard pants and black patent leather shoes form (unintentionally, of course) an outrageous, but in a way perfect combination
. I'll now sound very cheesy, but please bare with me! The idea for the outfit could show itself in all kinds of places, whether it is the lines of an art-deco building or the coat of a butterfly. The inspiration is all around. You just need to keep your eyes open.
What's most important to you when choosing an outfit?
The completion of the look, I think. If you've chosen one for today, stick with it. Don't pick your sky-blue sweater, if you've decided to go with black, grey, and white palette. Even if you like that sweater very much and think that it would be so nice and warm to wear it today, don't. 'Cos if you do, the next thing you know, you're putting those new green moccasins on just because they're so comfy. And then your fluffy brown scarf... And now it's all over the place. Those might be the coolest pieces, but they're from a different story. And you must stick with yours. Don't be that lady from the bus!
What are typical peices we would find in your wardrobe?
That one's easy. Chinos and white tees. These two items are the skeleton of most of the outfits, the essentials, the Alpha and Beta of your wardrobe alphabet. It is never enough of them! Once you've found your perfect fit, all you need to do is restock them every couple of years.
How you so effortlessly piece together these outfits we see on Instagram?
There's a word in italian, sprezzatura. I'd describe it as the art of making complicated things look easy. Basically, you're trying to make an impression that you don't care about the things you actually care a lot about
. The approach I use is of a similar nature. Put it this way: it is very easy to look sharp in your pressed suit and shirt, hardly-worn shoes, and with a geometrically perfect knot of your tie. But what if the jacket you wear is linen and has all sorts of creases all over it? What if your tie's knot is asymmetrical and the collar of your shirt doesn't have collar-bones in it? Be brave and try to look cool in this kind of gear! Yes, it is much harder, but also much more rewarding. Because the real man is always more interesting than even the most immaculately dressed mannequin.
How can people find you - FB, Insta, Twitter, website?
Instagram is the main platform for me at the moment. But I'm also on facebook and the website is gonna be live very soon! So, like they say in all those cheesy tv-shows, stay tuned!
So there you have it ladies.
if you're on Instagram we highly reccomend you head over and give him a follow
you will not be disappointed.
let us know what you think in the comments below
until next time
- Stay Beautiful
xo The Other Side ox
you've probably heard of Senso shoes
yes? well of course you have!
I remember when Jeffrey Campbell Lita's were all the rave
everyone had them, wanted them - made knock offs
but we'll rant about that another day...
i still have my black Lita's sitting in my closet
you know... for a rainy day
well now, we welcome the Rileys.
arent they so pretty?!
i really try to stay away from trends, but these bad boys melted into my soul
and before i knew it - i had added to cart & was awaiting their arrival.
can i also just add - Senso are top of my list favourite shoe designer of the moment
i get all mine from The Iconic nz
where i purchase most things i own.
are you guys suckers for a good shoe?
do you own any senso babies - let us know in the comment section below
until next time