Our first 'Getting to know' post is all about this Russian Aucklander
Vlad Tichen
If you are one of his 2948 and growing BadWearsGood Instagram followers
than you know all about this stylish man!
this beard caught my eye!
im a sucker for a well groomed man with a beard.
we have been completly intrigued and in awe of his simplistic, effortless style
and needed to know more!
read on to see what the BadWearsGood style Guru had to say
Where does your style inspiration stem from:
The usual, I guess: movies, paintings, architecture, nature, random people... For instance, it's great to watch a film about 19th century England and notice that one of the gentlemen wears a very cool and unusual kind of a necktie, the ancestor of all the contemporary ties! Or to spot an old Asian lady on the bus, dressed in such a chaotic manner, that her scarlet plush cap, leopard pants and black patent leather shoes form (unintentionally, of course) an outrageous, but in a way perfect combination
. I'll now sound very cheesy, but please bare with me! The idea for the outfit could show itself in all kinds of places, whether it is the lines of an art-deco building or the coat of a butterfly. The inspiration is all around. You just need to keep your eyes open.
What's most important to you when choosing an outfit?
The completion of the look, I think. If you've chosen one for today, stick with it. Don't pick your sky-blue sweater, if you've decided to go with black, grey, and white palette. Even if you like that sweater very much and think that it would be so nice and warm to wear it today, don't. 'Cos if you do, the next thing you know, you're putting those new green moccasins on just because they're so comfy. And then your fluffy brown scarf... And now it's all over the place. Those might be the coolest pieces, but they're from a different story. And you must stick with yours. Don't be that lady from the bus!
What are typical peices we would find in your wardrobe?
That one's easy. Chinos and white tees. These two items are the skeleton of most of the outfits, the essentials, the Alpha and Beta of your wardrobe alphabet. It is never enough of them! Once you've found your perfect fit, all you need to do is restock them every couple of years.
How you so effortlessly piece together these outfits we see on Instagram?
There's a word in italian, sprezzatura. I'd describe it as the art of making complicated things look easy. Basically, you're trying to make an impression that you don't care about the things you actually care a lot about
. The approach I use is of a similar nature. Put it this way: it is very easy to look sharp in your pressed suit and shirt, hardly-worn shoes, and with a geometrically perfect knot of your tie. But what if the jacket you wear is linen and has all sorts of creases all over it? What if your tie's knot is asymmetrical and the collar of your shirt doesn't have collar-bones in it? Be brave and try to look cool in this kind of gear! Yes, it is much harder, but also much more rewarding. Because the real man is always more interesting than even the most immaculately dressed mannequin.
How can people find you - FB, Insta, Twitter, website?
Instagram is the main platform for me at the moment. But I'm also on facebook and the website is gonna be live very soon! So, like they say in all those cheesy tv-shows, stay tuned!
So there you have it ladies.
if you're on Instagram we highly reccomend you head over and give him a follow
you will not be disappointed.
let us know what you think in the comments below
until next time
- Stay Beautiful