Picture this -
you've finished a long hard day of work - or whatever it is that fills your day.
you pick up your children, they're being 'children' and testing your last peice of sanity.
your mind is focused on
- What am i feeding these kids for dinner!
- Bath the kids, Pajamas
- Cleaning the house
- Getting some washing done
and by the time you have a chance to catch your breath
it's so late you just want to shower and get into bed -
IF, of course, you remembered to eat as well.
ahhhh yes, we as Mothers often forget the importance of caring for ourselves
we're consumed by errands, work & family life
amongst friendships, relationships & extended family time.
some may think this is minimal in comparison to so many things in life we could improve
BUT our homes are somewhere we spend the majority of our time together.
we raise our children at home, it's their safe space
we probably made our children there
we relax there, we cry there
we build memories