Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lets get down to buisness -
who's heard of Frank Body Scrub?
This Coffee body scrub - if you follow on Instagram
is widely known and loved!
the creators of this amazing body scrub give advertising a run for their money!
they are witty - cute - and appeal to woman
what's even better... tadahhhh - this product lives up to it's expectations.
let's be Frank.. what is The Frank Effect?

you can purchase Frank online here
the origional body scrub is $14.95AUD
but it also comes in these amazing flavours - ahemm, i mean delicious formulations as well.
you can check them out on the website. they have something for everyone... like, EVERYONE!
i suffer from eczema and they do not irritate or inflame my skin, if anything - they sooth and clear it up!
you can also purchase the Frank body balm - its oily. it's not REALLY my thing, but it works wonders for your legs - so i use it if im wearing something short for a night out. the formulation doesnt completely agree with me but some of you may love it.

in my recent purchase of Frank - i found that they also now have face wash!
i've been using Frank on my face for so long
i just had to get it!
i havent been using it long enough to give a review
but i'll let you know
my favourite things to do with Frank?
what i really love to do is that it on my tattoos
 Frank sooths the skin and makes them appear more vibrant.
I especially love to frank my legs after shaving
and before a night out
I also use Frank to remove fake tan,
it helps with little nasties on the skin - Girl Problems!
and it leave you smelling AH-MAY-ZING!


tried and true. we are hard core Frank Body Scrub fans
it's almost summer and Frank does wonders on the skin in summer
has The Frank Effect gotten you too?
let us know below...
- Stay Beautiful

xo The other Side ox


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